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Viofo WM1

You drive a car, you are in traffic every day, it is important to record every incident that happens, the best way to do this is to have a dashcam. That's why today I present Viofo WM1 small compact with very good components that will provide excellent quality. The device is small in size, so it is easy to hide it so it doesn't get in the way while driving.  The camera is without a screen, which allows the capacitor to last longer in parking mode, and also allows it to be so compact. All settings and control of the camera is done through the application, which is very simple and enables all simple adjustments.  When it comes to the camera sensor, it is a Sony sensor that provides excellent performance during day and night driving, and there is also a Novatek NTK96565 processing sensor. Recording takes place in 2K resolution with various bit rate options. This recording takes place at 30FPS, which is decent and it is possible to recognize all the details while driving. Also, th...


                      Hard Disk vs Solid-state drive 
Hard Disk (Tvrdi disk) je uređaj koji služi za pohranu raznih podataka ali to isto radi i Solid-state drive (SSD) to radi mnogo brže. Jedna od razlika ova dva uređaja jesu njihove veličine i masa. SSD je manji i mnogo lakši od Hard Disk-a. Druga razlika jeste kapacitet pohrane tu je u prednosti Hard Disk ali SSD polako stiže te velike kapacitete npr. 2TB. Treća velika razlika je što Hard disk se sastoji od pokretnih dijelova i može biti bučan a SSD se sastoji od same elektronike bez iti jednog pokretnog dijela. Tu je u prednosti SSD je može pretrbjeti neka veća potresanja dok Hard Disk to možda ne bi mogao da izdrži nego bi otišao i teško bi vratiti te podatke. Ovdje će te vidjeti koja je ta rzlika izmuđu ova dve uređaja(klikni na tekst da bi vidjeo).

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